Understanding User Permissions and PII Restrictions in Enterprise Features


I'd like to understand more on user permissions, and how we can restrict certain PII. For example, is it possible for some viewers to only see published insights? OR certain feeds? And if this was a restriction would that limit what magic search and summaries were produced for them? I might be diving into Enterprise features here, and i'm ok with that, I just couldn't find any help that wasn't too technical on user groups. Thanks in advance

  • Avatar of Jeremie Gluckman
    Jeremie Gluckman

    Thanks for reaching out here Jo Squire. This academy lesson is a great place to start when navigating and planning permissions settings in your workspace. To set up viewers with access to individual insights you can create a share link or move/duplicate completed insights to a blank project (if you don't want them to see the source data.) Feeds on the other hand are configured across the workspace but you can show content and manage access by filtering by a folder that is only shared with specific team. See screenshot below. I hope this helps!