Clustering Highlights by Metadata for Interview Data Analysis


Hello! Is there a way to cluster highlights (on the canvas) by metadata? I have data from a decent number of interviews and I'm interested in analyzing it in multiple ways (e.g., collapsed across all of my segments vs. within specific segment). I would be jazzed to be able to split up the data on the canvas based on categories I've set up in fields. Eager to hear, thanks!

  • Avatar of Marja Germans Gard, PhD
    Marja Germans Gard, PhD

    Pam Drouin Justina Keldusyte and other folks interested in this question: I had the opportunity to ask about it in office hours this am. Looks like currently you can pull highlights onto a canvas using the metadata as a filter. However, you can't at this time use the cluster function with fields (only tags or data, e.g., user). The workaround that I am going to play with is creating separate canvases for each user segment but it would be great to be able to use the cluster feature with metadata (going to add this feature request to the Canny board if you want to upvote it!)

  • Avatar of Pam Drouin
    Pam Drouin

    Ooooo thank, you!

  • Avatar of Justina Keldusyte
    Justina Keldusyte

    Oh! That's so cool thanks Marja Germans Gard, PhD πŸ™Œ