Request to Revert Navigation Changes for Saved Feeds


Hi team, With the recent update to the new home, the feeds are shifted from the left to the top. Previously, we had a long list of saved feeds in the left navigation, but now they are truncated in the top navigation. Is it possible to revert this change and move the feeds back to the left navigation? If not, would it be possible to reorder the feeds so that the most frequently used ones appear at the front? Thanks

  • Avatar of Margaret

    Hi Linlin, thank you for your feedback! With the new navigation, anyone on your team who has manager access can now drag and drop the feeds to reorder them in a sequence that works best for you. Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any other questions

  • Avatar of Linlin Yi
    Linlin Yi

    Thanks Margaret. This is helpful! However, the new update disrupts how we share insights with stakeholders. At a minimum, the feeds should remain fully visible. These feeds were designed for quick access, but now they’re hidden, which defeats their purpose.

  • Avatar of Paul Pagel
    Paul Pagel

    Hi Margaret, we are in the same situation like Linlin Yi, and I provided feedback on this new behaviour of Dovetail 3.0 interface some time ago. It would be great if you could consider this, as for more advanced workspaces with multiple stakeholders, a greater number of feeds is essential.

  • Avatar of Margaret

    Thanks so much for your feedback Paul Pagel! I’ll share it with the team, and we’ll see how we can improve it for everyone