Clarification Needed: Fields Setup in Dovetail 3.0 Workspaces


Quick question about Fields in Dovetail 3.0. It seems that in 3.0, Fields can only be set at a workspace level, while before it was possible to have specific fields per project (see screenshot of the pre-3.0 UI). Could you confirm that you did it on purpose? Or are “project fields” hidden somewhere? Not that we did much with project fields, but I just want to make sure.

  • Avatar of Pam Drouin
    Pam Drouin

    I really hope project fields are retained vs only being set at the workspace level. This makes me very nervous — we are a large government agency with multiple teams who use these fields in very different ways.

  • Avatar of Benjamin Humphrey
    Benjamin Humphrey

    Hey Guillaume Louvel, they still exist in 3.0—just click something in the Data or Insights tab, and you'll see fields on the right in the sidebar (for data) or at the top (for insights). They're all configured contextually now—it's just the settings screen for project fields that has been removed in 3.0.

  • Avatar of Benjamin Humphrey
    Benjamin Humphrey
  • Avatar of Eva Chatziliadi
    Eva Chatziliadi

    Hello! How am I supposed to link a project with my workspace fields?

  • Avatar of Jeremie Gluckman
    Jeremie Gluckman

    Thanks for reaching out Eva Chatziliadi. Under ⚙️> Fields you can select workspace fields and link them to projects by toggling them on.

  • Avatar of Eva Chatziliadi
    Eva Chatziliadi

    Thank you!