How to Delete Test Answer Blocks in Dovetail and Find More Info


How do I delete a test “answer block” I created while exploring this feature? And where can I learn more about this new feature? I can’t find anything by just googling “dovetail answer blocks”

  • Avatar of Karin Sannerud
    Karin Sannerud

    I have the exact same question 🙂 . We tried to understand and experiment with the answer block yesterday and then couldn’t delete it. As a follow-up question, we also wonder how to edit a question that has been entered?

  • Avatar of Sofya Bourne
    Sofya Bourne

    Jeremie Gluckman 👋 could you or someone from your team help please?

  • Avatar of Jeremie Gluckman
    Jeremie Gluckman

    Thanks for looping me in. You can't delete or edit an answer block question currently after you've created it. Could you share more context around what you're hoping to achieve?

  • Avatar of Sofya Bourne
    Sofya Bourne

    Hmm seems odd to not offer an “undo” option on a new feature. Are we forever stuck with this “test” question now (in my screenshot)? The Look video you shared also seems to be for a different feature - the Answer block feature is only available in Insights as far as I can tell

  • Avatar of Viktor Jacobs
    Viktor Jacobs

    Hi all. A collegue of Karin Sannerud here. We've been able to delete the instance of the answer block question in Data, and the field in Insights (a bit finicky but doable). I can edit the title of the question when used in the Data version but can't delete the question alltogether. I agree with you Sofya Bourne that it's not really that intuitive how the feature is used and a guide would be great!