Troubleshooting Workspace Fields Permissions Issues in Project Management


Hello! I'm having trouble with Workspace Fields. I believe I have it set correctly where all workspace users "Can Use" the fields. However, one of my coworkers is getting this error message when he tries to add the fields to his project. Any ideas why? Am I misunderstanding the permissions? Thanks!

  • Avatar of Pat Barlow
    Pat Barlow

    I’ll have a look into this one for you Amy! I’ll get back to you once I find out what’s going on here 🫡

  • Avatar of Pat Barlow
    Pat Barlow

    I think I’ve found it! There was an issue yesterday that this looks related to. I’ll have our engineers fix it 😊

  • Avatar of Amy Oetting
    Amy Oetting

    Pat Barlow it looks like it works now! Thank you so much for the quick fix! 😊

  • Avatar of Pat Barlow
    Pat Barlow

    No worries at all! Came in today and saw the engineers had shipped the fix, thanks for confirming! 😊