Understanding and Using Workspace Tags for Efficient Research Organization


Hello, I think I may be misunderstanding what Workspace Tags are for/how to use them. I am trying to review existing research that we did with X type of participant, to find themes unique to their job type. I created a ‘workspace’ tag board so that I could go back and tag by project, since I’m not able to view tags across projects in one view. I followed the instructions here about adding the Workspace tag board to my existing Project tags, so that I can use Workspace tags to re-tag the info in each project, to then view the tags across projects together. However, I’m trying to create a new project to be able to view my Workspace tags all in one location, but I’m unable to do that. Am I supposed to be viewing the workspace tags somewhere else? Or am I misunderstanding how these tags work? My goal is to be able to just view similar tags, across projects, in one canvass view.

  • Avatar of carolyn

    When I created a new Project for the review, I added the Workspace tag board. But, I’m still not able to actually add the content to a canvas in the ‘highlights’ section. I just want to view tags across projects in one place

  • Avatar of carolyn

    I can filter by tag to get the tag I want, which has been used twice. However, I can “Add 0 to canvas”

  • Avatar of carolyn

    I’m also unable to view all the new Workspace Tag snippets in one place.

  • Avatar of carolyn

    Jeremie Gluckman sorry to tag you but I am hesitant to continue to tag with these Workspace Tags if I’m unable to view them in a canvass, and this is blocking my work. Is there any documentation about how to use the Workspace tags for analysis across projects? Or, is it not possible?

  • Avatar of Amy Oetting
    Amy Oetting

    I could be wrong, but my understanding is the only way to see highlights or insights across projects is through the "Search" bar. Then you can filter by tags. But you can't arrange those on a canvas (how cool would it be to do a search and filter, then export that content to a canvas (or whatever view you want) to do analysis across projects...? 🤔). Following to see if there's another way!

  • Avatar of carolyn

    I finally figured it out by contacting support thru the dovetail website, but essentially the only way to actually look at tags across projects is:

    1. 1.

      make a workspace tag board ahead of time

    2. 2.

      add it to each “project”

    3. 3.

      tag (in my case, re-tag) the transcript in the project, using the Workspace tags

    4. 4.

      go to the ‘workspace tags’ view to see the tags

    You can only see the content tag-by-tag though, and cannot do any analysis with it, so in my experience it’s not super helpful. For example, you can click into the tag and see the content across projects that was tagged with your Workspace Tag within that popup. I was really hoping to be able to do some cross-project analysis on a canvas but it looks like it’s back to google docs for me! haha

  • Avatar of Jeremie Gluckman
    Jeremie Gluckman

    Thanks for looping me in carolyn. Glad this worked out!

  • Avatar of carolyn

    Not really the ideal experience but have figured out how to make it work for now 🙂

  • Avatar of Jazmin

    We have this feedback post here that you can upvote, if you haven't already 🙂

  • Avatar of Sofya Bourne
    Sofya Bourne

    dovetail doesn’t support proper cross-project analysis 🤡 many of us have been asking for it for years given that this is a basic thing researchers do on a regular basis 🫠

  • Avatar of carolyn

    I have already upvoted and commented on that post in November, thank you!

  • Avatar of Jeremie Gluckman
    Jeremie Gluckman

    Thank you!