• Avatar of Sarah Burton
    Sarah Burton

    Hi Jocelyn Smith - thanks for reaching out and sorry for the confusing document! We are in the process of updating our help docs for spreadsheet support, which will provide more up to date guidance. In the mean time, if you want to import a spreadsheet into Dovetail, you can just go ahead and drag it into your project or click import - exactly how you would do with a video or PDF. You will then be presented with a CSV mapper, that will allow you to format your spreadsheet data as you like (i.e. choose which columns to include/exclude, select which column (if any!) you'd like to be the title, choose data type (from text, multi select, single select) where applicable). Once you've imported your data, you can choose to view it as a table from your view settings. Let me know if anything doesn't make sense, and apologies again for not having clearer directions available!

  • Avatar of Jocelyn Smith
    Jocelyn Smith

    I did import it and it shows up at a single note. CSV mapper option presented.

  • Avatar of Sarah Burton
    Sarah Burton

    oh that's strange! let me try and figure out what's happening:

    1. 1.

      Where did you click import from? If you click from within a note, it will import into a single note (screenshot attached). If you drag in to the project or click import from the nav bar, it should default to the CSV mapper unless;

    2. 2.

      If the file in an excel file format, it will import as a single note. If you open your file in excel and export it as a CSV, it should then default to the CSV mapper and allow you to import as many notes. Was the file you were importing exported from Excel, or the excel file itself?

  • Avatar of Jocelyn Smith
    Jocelyn Smith

    I was doing it from the note as shown in the documentation. Now I tried from the Nav bar in the data section or just dragging it in. It still is just making a single note.

  • Avatar of Jocelyn Smith
    Jocelyn Smith

    It is a .csv

  • Avatar of Sarah Burton
    Sarah Burton

    Hm ok! Let me grab a member of our technical team and see if we can figure out whats happening.

  • Avatar of Sarah Burton
    Sarah Burton

    Hey Jocelyn Smith - thanks for your patience! I've spoken with the team and we think the likeliest explanation is the format of the file. Can I ask you to try open the file in excel again, and then export it to CSV from excel, and try with that?

  • Avatar of Jocelyn Smith
    Jocelyn Smith

    I don't think that's it. I tried to save as and to export. I just sent you the file in a DM. Slack seems to recognize it as a .csv since it's previewing as a table in the message.

  • Avatar of Jocelyn Smith
    Jocelyn Smith

    In case anyone else runs into this issue and happens across this thread, we discovered that importing a .csv file does not work in Firefox. You'll need to switch to Chrome in order to properly import a .csv file.