Exploring Effective Use of Form Inputs for Feedback Analysis


How is everyone else using the form input? I don’t find it incredibly useful for how I want to be using it, but maybe I am doing it wrong. I want to be able to import feedback forms and tag all the responses for one question (one column) with the same tag or highlight, but I don’t think there is an easy way to do that, is there?

  • Avatar of Sarah Burton
    Sarah Burton

    Hi Julee Peterson! 👋 I am the designer working on our survey feature, would love to understand what use case you are trying to support as we build out this feature! Am I understanding this correctly - when you import a form, you want to tag all responses to one question with the same tag across all respondents?

  • Avatar of Julee Peterson
    Julee Peterson

    Hi Sarah Burton I recorded a little walk through for you that attempts to give more clarity here! Hope this helps