Hi, I recently used the new survey upload format. Love that it automatically generated an insight with summarized survey answers. The problem is, I uploaded two different data sets, it generated two different insights. Ideally it would just update the original insight with the additional data. However, the second one that it generated is the exact same as the first and doesn't seem to be based off the second data set I uploaded. Is there a way I can rerun the automated insight to get it to combine all the data?
Hi Rachael Forster, could you confirm if the two data sets had the same columns, or did they have completely different columns?
same columns
Thanks for the confirmation! Survey summaries are updated with the latest data in the project, which is why the two insights are identical, as they are both summarizing all the of the data in the same project. You can confirm if the summary is analyzing all of you data by checking the number of responses, at the top of the answer summary block.
that's the issue - the second summary doesn't seem to be taking into account the new data set because the summary response # is the same as it was in the first
Hi Rachael Forster i think i found your issue, we've pushed out a fix so that the summaries should be updated with subsequent file uploads, could you give it one more test please? If its still not working, please raise the issue here and let me know when you've done that!
nothing has changed on my end. is there something I need to do to get it to regenerate? or would I have to reupload the data?
Sorry I meant could you try a reupload if that's not too much trouble? Alternatively, any edits to any response, even minor, should kick off a re-summarize for the insight summaries. For example you could open a single note/data entry, and add, then remove a space, even this should refresh the related summary for the question you made an edit to.
I don't have time to reupload today but I did just try the minor edit and as far as I can tell, nothing changed - it didn't kick off a re-summarization. I should have time to try to reupload tomorrow
If you could DM me your workspace id, or dovetail url, i can take a look for you to see what's going on, thanks Rachael