Integrating External Transcripts with Dovetail Contacts: A Guide


Hello and Happy New Year. I am attempting to work with transcripts generated outside of the Dovetail (Teams, to be precise, stored as DOCs, and either imported or "copied and pasted" as Dovetail's "Data") QUESTION: How do i tie those "Data" elements to the "Contacts"? I see that i can tag and highlight those data as i do Dovetail transcripts, but i do not see a place to insert the name of the person/contact. TIA!!! Julia

  • Avatar of Pat Barlow
    Pat Barlow

    Hey Julia Kotlyarker, you won’t be able to attribute specific speakers to the sections of the transcript if it’s just a copy + paste of one, but you can create a field and select Contact as the field type, then link the contact that way, and then they’ll be attributed to all of the highlights created from that transcript 😊