Issues with Survey Import: Open-Ended Field Incorrectly Classified
hey y'all! it looks like a new update rolled out to survey import but i have this issue where one of my open ended fields keeps getting imported as a multi-select. I've deleted and reuploaded my csv a bunch of times, but i can't get it resolved. I make sure its formatted as content vs a field too, but it automatically reclassifies it to multi-select form. This is an issue because it shows every single open ended response as an option for selection within the note, making it hard to use. This process of reuploading multiple times has also made clear a big pain point with using this feature, which is that it takes a long time to reformat each column in my data to map appropriately to the right format in Dovetail. I think a few things would help improve this feature immensely:
Some adjustable automations to be added to automatically detect field types so i don't have to manually map each field, but still give me flexibility to edit
An error indicator that warns when an import will fail due to something like the length of the field name,
Examine common qualtrics export styles to insure the importer can handle them (ex. qualtrics exports usually have 3 header rows),
Reducing # of clicks to reclassify field types in the csv importer
saved import settings so i dont have to remap medium-long surveys over and over (ex. check out qualtric's saved csv import mapping feature)