Research Structuring: Domain, Team, or Product Feature/Theme?


Hi everyone, I would love to hear more about how you are all structuring your research. We currently structure by folders based on domain and team. Wondering what you use and why. One of the recent thoughts we have had is whether we should rather structure in terms of product feature/theme or something else.

  • Avatar of Danielle Morris
    Danielle Morris

    Currently thinking about the same exact change, would love to see what is working for others as well

  • Avatar of Jeremie Gluckman
    Jeremie Gluckman

    Thanks for reaching out here Danielle Reid-Krzykowski. Here's a helpful video with an example of how to manage access using folders. Let me know if it matches your approach!

  • Avatar of Iris Barrera
    Iris Barrera

    Hey Danielle! Our team has our work structured in about two major funnels (there are hierarchies of folders within these two major structures) and I say that cautiously haha cause we really have about six different ways that our work is formatted. Although I do say that because our hub does include work that reaches outside of our research team. That being said, the two hierarchies that we focus on are -

    1. 1.

      product line and 2. team based (this is where work outside our research team lands)

    The decisions that led to this structure came down to:

    • the search-ability of the platform

    • how those within our organization speak about our company & teams as a whole, and

    • how we are fortunate that our Experience team (design/research/writing/content/ops) has been structured to work within product lines and work cross-functionally through our product and engineering teams as well

    + it's also how our product is sold and & used Now of course, I did mention we have about six (that number does change) hierarchies in total that we follow and that really comes along with internal research, desk research, innovation, onsite, foundational, lean, the archive, admin work... I've already named more than six haha. Anyways, while these all can technically be housed under the two main hierarchies (and in a way, they are all linked through Insight fields) we choose to keep them separate because the audiences that we showcase that specific work to needs to have that distinction in order to understand the base as to why we are doing this specific work. Which only applies to a few folders, others such as admin and archive are internal research workspaces of the operations team. I could really go on about this forever haha, but that is what's currently working for our organization.

  • Avatar of Danielle Reid-Krzykowski
    Danielle Reid-Krzykowski

    Thank you for the detailed response Iris Barrera It sounds like we have very similar challenges with the volume of hierarchies. One of the other things we are trying to figure out how to solve with Dovetail is voice of the customer (this obviously falls across the entire product experience versus specific teams or even product domains). Given your explanation above, Iris I am guessing that this would then fall under a specific team. I ask this, as we are considering to have this fall under feedback type rather than team (eg. escalation, general feedback, strategic idea etc.) I am thinking maybe subfolders, starting with team, then the subfolders with each of the feedback areas. What do you think?

  • Avatar of Karolina Kowalczyk
    Karolina Kowalczyk

    Based on my experience, it's better to choose something stable that won't change too often. In my company, people migrate between teams and products frequently, so we decided to use the most "stable" categories as the main folders. Teams seemed intuitive at first, but it wasn't scalable, and we had to change it too often. Maybe you could also try doing card sorting in your organization to learn more about their mental models? πŸ™‚

  • Avatar of Danielle Reid-Krzykowski
    Danielle Reid-Krzykowski

    Karolina Kowalczyk Great tip. This is the exact pain point we are already experiencing (teams not being stable). I will try out the card sorting method with the team. Appreciate the comment.