I accidentally deleted a chunk of text while trying to correct a transcript typo…I used to be able to CTRL+Z but this no longer seems to work, is there another way to fix this? EX: I meant to highlight one word and started typing, but had accidentally highlighted whole paragraph which is now deleted/replaced with what I typed
Hey carolyn! Hmm, Ctrl/Cmd + Z should definitely do the trick as long as you haven’t closed and reopened the note. We may be able to restore the note to an earlier version before the text was deleted if you’d like us to take a look? 😄
I just manually re-transcribed it, but will clear cookies etc in case this was just a hiccup
Okay yep good idea. Let us know if it happens again!
Hi, this is happening to me today as well!! I think it must be a bug Pat Barlow
Ah interesting! Are you able to replicate the issue at all Sofya? If you can, it would be great if you could record it and send me a screen recording so I can take a look!
Happened again today, wiped out a good 5 min from the transcript. This is incredibly hard to capture on video but it’s super disruptive as I then have to manually write out what the participant is saying and it doesn’t connect to the video time stamps 😱
this just happened to me too. Luckily I'd only deleted one short sentence but this is a bit frightening
Hmm, I’ve had a look with one of our engineers, and we aren’t able to replicate at all, is the page being refreshed, or the note being closed and reopened at all? If anyone is able to get a video of them replicating, that would be super helpful. If you could also provide a link to the note it occurred on, we can take a look to see if we can find anything there too.
is the page being refreshed, or the note being closed and reopened at all? no in my case. It seems to be a glitch when I’m quickly trying to select a single word in a transcript while playing the recording to delete it but the selection automatically snaps to a section of the text before I can catch it, so when I press backspace, it deletes the entire section, and then the undo function doesn’t work to undo the action.
Happens on both Chrome and Safari. I just picked the transcript I'm tagging right now to record this so it seems like just about any transcript will do this
this seems to have been fixed for me!