Disable Auto-Tagging for Video Transcripts


Hello, is it possible to turn off whatever is auto-tagging my transcripts?? I just uploaded a new video and it’s got some tags on it that are not correct and I did not put there 🤔

  • Avatar of carolyn

    so now i need to go through my transcripts and un-tag things, and it’s not clear which tags i manually added vs which ones dovetail added on there for me

  • Avatar of carolyn

    in the ‘beta’ section of settings i do not appear to be opted into “dovetail 3.0,” so not sure why this auto-tagging is happening

  • Avatar of Jazmin

    Hi carolyn, This is due to "Magic automation". You can update this on a project basis by navigating to the project drop-down > Selecting "Magic automation" > Update "Highlight key moment" as necessary. You can switch this back to "Suggest" so that you still have control to accept or deny the suggested highlights:

  • Avatar of Jazmin

    You can also see which highlights/tags were added as you will see "Dovetail Magic" as the contributor.

  • Avatar of carolyn

    where is it noted about the contributor?

  • Avatar of carolyn

    here’s an example of what i’m talking about, it just added tags on its own. i don’t see anything about ‘contributor’

  • Avatar of carolyn

    is there a way to remove the tags that got auto-added, or do I just go back and do that manually? Also, do i need to create the project and then turn off the ‘dovetail magic’ before uploading any video?

  • Avatar of carolyn

    And is there a way to just turn this off generally? I really am not seeing the value of AI tagging especially with how incorrect it is

  • Avatar of Jazmin

    This icon will show you which highlight/tags were auto-applied:

  • Avatar of Jazmin

    You would need to remove the highlights and tags manually and you can turn it off by selecting "Off" as noted in the video I provided above 🙂

  • Avatar of carolyn

    But if I create a new project do I need to turn it ‘off’ before I upload any videos to prevent this happening again

  • Avatar of Jazmin

    Correct, it will be set to "on" automatically. You'll need to navigate to the project settings and update it to "Off":

  • Avatar of carolyn

    Would it be possible to opt out of this on the account level

  • Avatar of carolyn

    it’s honestly very frustrating to have to go back and remove these incorrect tags

  • Avatar of Jazmin

    Unfortunately, it's only set on a project-by-project basis. I went ahead and created this feedback post on our public feedback board on your behalf. 🙂

  • Avatar of carolyn

    Thanks Jazmin, it’s not that it’s time consuming to actually turn it off — it’s upsetting that this was added without ability to opt in, and that I have to remember to turn it off for every new project; if I don’t remember, I’m then back in the same boat where I will realize that there’s auto-tagging happening and then need to go back and pick through to remove the tags I didn’t add.

  • Avatar of Chiara Napol
    Chiara Napol

    I've also upped this on the product feedback board. Besides having to remember and go turn it off, there was no noticeable messaging explaining this would now happen in new projects. I would have expected not only to have to acknowledge this, but also to give permission, at a minimum

  • Avatar of carolyn

    yeah I feel similarly. Thanks for adding a vote to the board Chaira

  • Avatar of Raymond Tiong
    Raymond Tiong

    Also upvoted 🙏