Inquiry About Project-Level Settings in Dovetail After Update


Hi Dovetail team, Prior to the most recent update, there were project-level settings that allowed us to view and edit project-level fields, as well as access the project-level trash can. Are these settings still available? If so, could you please guide me on where to find them? If they have been removed, what are the alternative ways to perform these actions? Thank you for your help!

  • Avatar of Pat Barlow
    Pat Barlow

    Hey Linlin! We consolidated all of the various trash cans into the workspace level trash that you can find under Settings > Trash You’ll be able to filter by project or object in here if you need 😊

  • Avatar of Linlin Yi
    Linlin Yi

    Thanks Pat Barlow for your response. That is very helpful. How about project-level fields? We can no longer create/delete project-level fields. Right?

  • Avatar of Pat Barlow
    Pat Barlow

    They can be created and deleted from the note sidebar still, or from the filter bar when using a table view for your data 😊

  • Avatar of Linlin Yi
    Linlin Yi

    Got it. Thanks!