Issues with Importing Survey Data: Contact Name Not Assigned Properly


I've run into this issue multiple times and have been wondering if it's the intended behavior. When importing survey data, I assign one of the columns as a contact name column. What I want to happen is for it to either 1) assign an existing contact if the name matches someone in the contact database or 2) create a new contact if there is no matching record. Instead, it just doesn't import the name at all and we end up having to manually add a contact to the row.

  • Avatar of Jeremie Gluckman
    Jeremie Gluckman

    Thanks for reaching out Rachael Forster. I believe that the team is still working to better integrate the people database into the rest of the product and how you import data. With Recruit, it'll all be integrated but for now it's still separate from Notes and Fields.