SSO Login Issues for Dovetail: Seeking Insights and Solutions


Hello! A couple of weeks ago several people in my account lost the ability to log into Dovetail through SSO. It seems like a problem at our end but just wanted to check whether anything has happened that Dovetail are aware of that could have caused this? Thanks.

  • Avatar of Jazmin

    Good morning Rose Munro, Dovetail does not manage SSO settings. SSO settings are provisioned by your team on your end. If you'd like to DM me with more info, we can help figure out what the issue is. Feel free to send any screenshots of any errors you are receiving that is not allowing you to log into Dovetail 🙂

  • Avatar of Jazmin

    I also see we received a support request regarding this. I'll continue to follow up via the support request!

  • Avatar of Rose Munro
    Rose Munro

    Thanks Jazmin!