Managing Access Permissions for Data in Dovetail Projects


Differentiate permissions to view data WITHIN a Dovetail project? Hi, for data privacy management, I'd like to only allow researchers who conducted the research to have access to the raw data in Notes. But I want other team members to be able to see Insights in the same project (because the primary researchers will have removed any very sensitive data from an Insights). Is that possible? I know the Insights can be "published" and thus visible to everyone in the workspace - but that is TOO wide sharing of immature insights still being worked on (there're 100s of users in our workspace). Would that be possible? Thanks for any hints, help and advice πŸ™‚

  • Avatar of Jeremie Gluckman
    Jeremie Gluckman

    Thanks for reaching out about this Joachim Halse and Marja Germans Gard, PhD This is great feedback. Please be sure to include in on our product feedback board where you can upvote ideas, like this one. In the meantime, if you'd like stakeholders to see insights only and not be able to access raw data I recommend duplicating or moving insights into a blank project that is accessible to stakeholders. Reels and data will still display but because the project is empty stakeholders can't access the raw data.