Streamlining Project Highlights for Insight Mining Workshop


Hey all, i'm putting together a workshop on mining insights for my team and trying to find the easiest way to use highlights across multiple projects. RN what I want to do is:

  1. 1.

    Designers use search to find evidence

  2. 2.

    They bring that evidence into a personal project

  3. 3.

    They use canvas view in highlights to cluster and help them find themes

The issue i'm having is that the only way to get a highlight from the search results to their Canvas view of their personal project is to copy the whole note into their personal project. It works but adds a lot of steps and forces us to copy entire notes just to have that one quote be usable in canvas view. Any suggestions??

  • Avatar of armina

    i’m constantly eager to learn how other people are solving for this, but it seems like there’s no way to avoid the duplication of notes across projects… our current workaround for that, to still keep things semi-tidy, is to make sure the “personal projects” are not shared with the whole workspace — this way the original data is only viewed in the original project by the majority of the stakeholders (those who don’t have access to the “personal projects”). it gets complicated again if you do want to make your “personal project” shared with the wider workspace. in that case, our current (very cumbersome) solution is to reference the “original” notes/highlights, not the duplicated notes/highlights, in this public-facing “personal project”. another alternative that i’ve heard about (we haven’t tried this yet) is do this duplicate-analysis in the “secret” project (that’s not visible to the rest of the workspace), but then move the resulting insights into a workspace-public project. ⚖️

  • Avatar of Jeremie Gluckman
    Jeremie Gluckman

    Thanks for sharing this tip armina. Super helpful! You're correct, you can only move or duplicate notes not surface them in multiple projects.