Ensuring Quality Assurance for Insights in Dovetail: Best Practices Needed
Hi all! I am currently working on the quality assurance for all research projects and Insights in Dovetail, while we are rolling out the platform to the organization of +20.000 employees. We are currently experiencing that some users are publishing Insights, without them being actual insights, and as a result, we are seeing a lot of published Insights in our feeds that does not say anything relevant. We have a template that we request users to fill out before publishing an Insight, but these are also not being followed. We want viewers to be able to use the search tool to look for and find new Insights and relevant information across the projects, so we cannot just make people move the insights to a folder when they are done, and then giving viewers rights to view that folder and nothing else. I am therefore looking for inspiration on how others have ensured quality in published Insights and the platform in general? What have you done to utilize the platform agility, while still ensuring relevant content and is there any best-practices for quality assurance in Dovetail? Any help and/or tips is greatly appreciated!