Hey folks, I'm looking for clarification around one of the API end-points. https://developers.dovetail.com/reference/get_v1-notes I am looking to filter the notes by a field value. But I only see date documented. As I'm not an engineer I'm not sure I have all the context. I'm using a low-code platform to pull data from dovetail into an app for my stakeholders. I've already exhausted the possibilities to solve for their need in dovetail itself. Thank you 🙏
Hi Ty Fairclough Folks in the 🔒[private feed] channel should be able to help out here. I'll move your message there!
hey Ty Fairclough did you manage to work this out? I'm also stuck trying to filter by project_id, tried every variation I can think of but still just brings back all notes...
Thanks Jeremie Gluckman 🌟
Henry Neves-Charge as of yet no, I'm going to try and butter up an engineer on my team to see if they can help. ☺️ However looking at the documentation it appears project_id is an filter parameter you can send so if it's returning all the notes then there's probably either; a syntax error (but I'd assume you'd get an error instead of all notes), or a bug. I'll try on my side and report back.
ok its returning everything for me too. 🤔
I've been going back and forth with Claude to try and work out the syntax. I assume I put in filter for the key and then I am not sure how to format the value...
the id looks like the same format as mine (the documentation just says 123 which is nothing like the string I'm getting from the url of the project). I'm using a different app (bubble.io) to send my get requests over but it looks like yours is including {}. However it does it the get url should be spitting out something like .../notes?filter[project_id]=fjeiejndjfidieieidjdndh with the nonsesne (fjeiejndjfidieieidjdndh) being your project id. You've got " filter= " in your get request that doesn't look right to me.
Niceeee 🥳
Great to see the progress here. Thank you both!
Hi Henry Neves-Charge - apologies for the late reply, but glad Ty Fairclough was able to help solve this for you. For future reference, our documentation does have a working demo and you can see the syntax formatting when you add in values to the input fields. See screenshot below