Upcoming MSFT Teams Support for Calendar Integration: Feedback Needed


Hello everyone, quick update on our calendar integration. To follow up on our previous release where we supported automatically uploading video recordings from Zoom via Google Calendar and Outlook Calendar, next week we will be shipping support for MSFT Teams video. You can create a rule via the Integrations page to automatically upload video recordings from Teams into Dovetail where they are transcribed and summarized for you. We are starting to think about the next evolution of this integration and would love some feedback. Firstly,

  • give us a 👍 if you have used this integration before

  • give us a 🚧 if you are waiting for MSFT Teams support

  • give us a 🤔 if you didn't know about this feature

Secondly, please add a comment to this thread with your enhancement requests. Thank you so much.

  • Avatar of Sofya Bourne
    Sofya Bourne

    Will we be able to automatically upload video recordings if the Teams meeting doesn’t belong to us? I have CSMs set up meetings with customer most of the time, which means they are the owners of the recording in MS Stream. Today I need to ask each CSM to give me edit access for each customer session so I can download it and then manually add it to Dovetail. It would be great if I can make this automatic even when I’m not the meeting owner

  • Avatar of Srinivas Krishnamurti
    Srinivas Krishnamurti

    Sofya Bourne I would think we will have the same permissions issue to upload videos that you don't own. cc Bryan do you know if there's a way to support this?

  • Avatar of Bryan

    Hey Sofya Bourne, thanks for reaching out. Unfortunately the Microsoft Teams integration would only upload personal meetings to Dovetail that is owned by the meeting organizer as Microsoft Teams does not support obtaining recorded videos that was given permission through an external party. So yes, Srinivas Krishnamurti is right that we will have permissions issues on uploading videos that we don't personally own.

  • Avatar of Sofya Bourne
    Sofya Bourne

    Thank you both for the clarification! Probably easier that way to get approvals from our security to enable the integration so I guess that’s a silver lining 🥲

  • Avatar of Alex DeWitt
    Alex DeWitt

    Where do the recordings get stored in Dovetail? (how does it know which project to store a recording in?)

  • Avatar of Bryan

    Hi Alex! You would need to configure calendar configuration (rules) in the Integrations page. This configuration acts as the rule which includes settings such as what type of calendar you wish to import from, what video conference provider, what keywords you want your calendar event title to contain and which project the imported note should put it.

  • Avatar of Alex DeWitt
    Alex DeWitt

    I see, thank you. So I suppose if I was working on 1 research project at a time I could set the folder each time I change projects. But if I was working on multiple research projects the integration wouldn't be able to differentiate them and they would all go into 1 folder?

  • Avatar of Bryan

    Hi again Alex! You're correct—right now, Dovetail only supports a single rule for syncing, so all recordings would go into one project folder. However, we've heard feedback from others about wanting multi-rule functionality to sync specific recordings to different projects. It's really helpful to hear that this is something you'd find valuable too, so thanks for sharing!

  • Avatar of Tor Selen
    Tor Selen

    Hey, I tried booking a meeting with myself via my bookings page. It creates a meeting on behalf of me and the designer on my team's outlook calendars. I press record in the meeting and finish the meeting. Both Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Outlook are configured connections in Dovetail. Cannot find the recording in the Dovetail project now. Anything I'm misunderstanding? Greatly appreciate any help.

  • Avatar of Bryan

    Hi Tor Selen, thanks for reaching out. Are both Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Outlook configured under the same account (and that you are the organiser of the calendar event)?

  • Avatar of Tor Selen
    Tor Selen

    Yes, both are under my email ts@optioincentives.no It's a Microsoft Outlook Shared Bookings page. So I might not be the organiser I realise 😞

  • Avatar of Bryan

    I will DM you further 🙂