A follow-up comment/question: I use Dovetail not all the time but at intervals. And it seems like every time I login, I am faced with a different experience, so I find myself having to re-learn where things are at. This time, I’m also seeing changes in the quality of the transcription. Did you guys make any changes on how the transcription works? I see more missed words and such.
Hi Burcu Bakioglu I'm one of the engineers looking to improve transcription experience for Dovetail. Theres been some improvements that is not released yet, if you would liked , I can enabled this for your workspace? You can DM me your workspace url so I can identify your workspace
Thanks for getting back to me. If you were to enable it for the work space it would be for the upcoming transcriptions, not the one I just uploaded this week right?
You can regenerate past transcript and see if its improved or you could reupload the file again and compare the two transcripts
Hi Jack Lian this is also a major pain point for me; I'm wasting a lot of time cleaning up transcripts. Are you able to please enable the improved experience for my workspace as well?
Thanks for reaching out Raymond Tiong yes of course, can you send/DM me your workspace url?
Jack when you say workplace url do you mean individual projects or the url for my account that has all my projects?
Either one is fine, I'm actually after for the subdomain name at the beginning of the url If your url is www.testing-123.dovetail.com then your subdomain would be testing-123
I am posting this comment/ feedback here so there is a wider visibility. Jack Lian I tried to new transcription service/method/model and it is very accurate, no missing words, weird replacement words or anything like that. Please keep my workspace with this version. 🎆
Can I also request access to this new AI transcription version?
Hi Ricardo, can you DM me your workspace url please?