Troubleshooting CSV Import Issues in Dovetail for UX-Lite Surveys


I have a UX-Lite survey and was hoping to use Dovetail to help analyze the results but when I imported a CSV and selected the columns I wanted it doesn't look like it imported well (columns I deselected still cam in, data didn't go into columns correctly) Any tips?

  • Avatar of Jocelyn Smith
    Jocelyn Smith

    Probably worth posting in Help if you haven't already. I don't have any deep insights but when I ran into issues with the .csv import, I had to switch browsers. The column selection didn't even show up as an option in Firefox. Apparently, works best in Chrome.

  • Avatar of Hannah Greene
    Hannah Greene

    I've had the best luck just copying and pasting a group of cells from the spreadsheet into the note, tbh.