Exploring Google's Notebook LM: Ideas for AI Interaction and Insights


I've just started playing with Google's Notebook LM tool and it's highly impressive! I find myself wanting to paste in content from Dovetail to interact with it in Notebook LM. Some specific ideas that would add value: -Have an AI chat sourced from 1 user - e.g. I have done 5 interviews with the user 'Bob Smith' - trained just on his responses can I interact and chat such as asking what he said or thinks about certain topics -Produce a podcast style audio where 2 hosts have a back and forth discussion about the insights within a particular project - to make an easy to digest and entertaining report summary of the insights

  • Avatar of armina

    would love to hear more about your experiences with Notebook, if you ever wanna do a share-out (public or not)! 🤓

    • your first idea made me think immediately of synthetic users — i’ve been following their work for a while, am curious if this is something you would use? my only concern with the ‘Bob Smith’ chat bot is that it’s harder to spot-check for hallucinations, since the connection between the input and output is harder to follow 🤔 so it could be useful for ideation but, just like with synthetic users, it would still require validation with the real Bob Smith / real user types.

    • the podcast idea is something some of our leadership has actually been asking for! so definitely a lot of potential, very curious to hear how that’s worked for you.

  • Avatar of Alex DeWitt
    Alex DeWitt

    thanks for the reply, I've briefly looked into synthetic users but I am not convinced at all by it. What I meant was that answers come only from the source material so nothing is hypothetical. I have situations where I have had to do 5 or 6 discovery interviews with the same person as they are a domain expert and I need to trawl through it all to find out their answer to a specific question.

  • Avatar of armina

    aaah, that makes more sense and definitely easier to spot-check! 🌟

  • Avatar of Alex DeWitt
    Alex DeWitt

    I guess the feature would be to select which sources you want to train the AI chat on - they could be data notes, insights, projects, folders, users etc

  • Avatar of Nathalie T
    Nathalie T

    thanks for posting your ideas with Notebook LM! I like your first idea a lot - feels like an easier way to interact with the transcript. i get a little worried because recently I was reviewing an interview and noticed a few errors in the transcript (e.g., user actually said "i do agree" but the transcript has "i don't agree"). i guess humans can mishear just as randomly as AI can mis-transcribe?

  • Avatar of Alex DeWitt
    Alex DeWitt

    indeed. I always review the video/transcript and correct typos, but yes an AI summary could be very misleading if that QA wasn't done