Request for Sandbox Environment to Test Contacts Database Imports


I am interested in a sandbox environment to test doing imports to the Contacts db. Is something like that available?

  • Avatar of Robert Hung
    Robert Hung

    Hi Emily Wever - we don't have a sandbox environment functionality, but we do allow users to create new workspaces with a 7 day Professional trial You can reach out to support to extend this trial period, or simply create another one if you need more time. We also support exporting your Contacts DB, so you can continually migrate any data to another workspace, as needed. Hope that helps!

  • Avatar of Emily Wever
    Emily Wever

    To clarify - if I want to create a "new/sandbox" environment I need to sign up for an entirely new instance? At this time I am not looking at exporting a CSV, I want to test how an import of data would work. Thank you

  • Avatar of Robert Hung
    Robert Hung

    Yes, a new instance (we use the terminology, workspace) is the same concept as a "new/sandbox" environment. I only mentioned the export since our trial period is 7 days only, so if you've made changes after you import your data, you can continually export and re-import for each new workspace you create with a new trial.